Compulsory insurance
In Spain, Compulsory School Insurance is included in the Special Social Security Scheme. It covers students in the third and fourth years of ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education), all high school students, Basic Vocational Training, and Middle and Higher Further Education, provided that at the beginning of the school year the student is under 28 years of age. This insurance covers school accidents, extracurricular activities, trips outside the educational center (these trips must be supported by the educational center or, where appropriate, by the parents’ association), illness or family misfortune. It is not necessary to do any type of procedure for this insurance since it is included in the registration fee.
Voluntary Insurance
But what about students in kindergarten and primary school? In this case, students are covered by the health service provided by Social Security, although in many cases, parent-teacher associations and the schools themselves choose to take out voluntary insurance. The main coverage ranges from accidents in school and extracurricular activities – even if outside the school – to travel expenses for medical assistance, broken spectacles, dental care for damages sustained in accidents, plastic surgery operations, implantation of prosthesis, misfortune, accidental death or permanent disability.
Civil Liability
Meanwhile, we should not forget that for potential damages to third parties and cases of fault by action or negligence, schools must have civil liability insurance. Given that the school is responsible for any damages caused or incurred by students during the time they remain under its protection, it is advisable to have a policy that covers any possible incidents: small fights between students, breaking windows with balls, damage to their clothing or other property, etc. It is very important to be aware that some policies also include bullying.
We remind you that, in addition to all this coverage, it is important that the students themselves are aware that the rules and their compliance also play in favor of their safety and that schools should have an effective risk map to respond quickly to any mishaps. Together, we can ensure a safe return to school! Wishing you all the best for the new school year!