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Financial minimalism: when less is more

Financial minimalism: when less is more

It is easy to associate minimalism with decoration and architecture rather than finances. The truth is that minimalism goes much further and it has become a life philosophy for many people thanks in large part to the rise of Marie Kondo, who even has a documentary on Netflix.

Savings and investment tips to help you achieve your life goals

Savings and investment tips to help you achieve your life goals

Many families reach the end of the month with an empty checking account and see, once again, how those dreams that for a moment had seemed possible to achieve are slipping away: goodbye to this summer’s trip, goodbye to those future plans in which they received a high return on their investments and goodbye, also, to the peace of mind that comes from having a small fund to deal with unforeseen events.

What should you do with your mortgage now that the Euribor is going up?

What should you do with your mortgage now that the Euribor is going up?

Last April, the Euribor closed positive for the first time in more than six years and everything points to the fact that it will continue to rise in the immediate future. The reasons are clear: the increase in inflation and the almost certain rise in interest rates that the European Central Bank (ECB) will have to introduce in order to control these.